Friday, June 20, 2008

Pondering in the Pond

How do you know if someone is flirting or just charming? Someone who is naturally charming can come off as flirty but what if they're not? What if that's just their personality? How can you tell? What is the difference? Is the difference that someone who is charming is just that way all the time and with everyone and someone who is flirting is only that way with you? But how do you know how that person is around other people? If you're not around them all the time, how do you really know? I guess you don't know. I guess there's no real answer...I guess the only way to know is if that person actually makes a "move." But what are the chances of somebody that you actually think is attractive, charming, funny, intelligent would actually like you back? Wait...are we talking about you or me here? Oh ya, we're talking about me...which means the chances are SLIM to NONE! C'est la vie, non c'est mon vie!

~Happy Trails

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