Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm surrounded by Assholes!

Have you seen Spaceballs? No? Well then you don't know what that saying is from but it's freaking hilarious!

Ok so today is November 4Th, which means it's election day in the United States. Has that EVER concerned me before today? Nope. Not even a little bit. Before the last few months I couldn't have cared less about politics or elections or anything like that. Well if you haven't been paying attention you may have missed a very important proposition that is on the ballot this time around - Prop 8. If you need more info on what this prop is about go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Proposition_8_(2008) or google it.

This is the first time I have ever actually wanted to vote. And if I could, I would vote No on Prop 8. I believe that anyone should be able to get married if they want to. We cannot discriminate against people for any reason - race, colour, religion or sexual preference. Gay people are people. Plain and simple. Government does not say that a black person can't marry a white person so why would we let them say that a man can't marry a man? Being in a gay marriage doesn't hurt anyone, let alone children! Don't even get me started on the ridiculous ads that say children will suffer if gay marriage is allowed! And the bullshit lies the pro-yes on 8 people say about the teacher in San Fran who got married and forced her students to attend!!! Are you kidding me? The teacher didn't even know that the students were coming, it was the parents of those students who arranged to be there when the teacher got married.

And it's not just about the right to marry but everything that comes with being married. The hospital visitation rights, the medical benefits and anything else that comes along with it. If you're married, no matter who you are you deserve the same benefits. That's not hard to figure out people!

Well, the bottom line for me is that legally I can't vote because I'm not an American citizen yet. So I urge you to do your part to help end discrimination and VOTE NO on 8!

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