Monday, March 9, 2009

I know I haven't written about my trip to London yet and I got back on Tuesday and it's already Sunday night.  I had a great time in Londontown, I got to visit with Suz & Molly and that was better for me than anything else right now.  I really really needed to see some friends.  Not that i haven't made friends while I've been here but seeing my friends from home is on a whole other level.  There are a few more people from home that i would give anything to see right now but unfortunately i can't.  But seeing Molly & Suz made me feel way less homesick and it was awesome to just spend time with them.  We didn't do a lot of touristy stuff we just hung out and it was the best!

This is us at Suz's birthday party, we all had to dress up representing a country. I was France, Molly was like Caribbean or Bahamas (Somewhere tropical!) and Suz was Russian (A Russian spy to be exact)

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