Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is...

Really quick here because it's 2 am and I'm actually tired.  Today my dad drove down from LA in my uncle's truck to help me move.  So anyways long story short it was pouring rain today and I had to move in the pissing rain.  Awesome.  We were completely drenched, every single inch of us was soaked.  In all the times I have moved I have never ever moved in the rain and it was horrible.  In San Diego no less!!  Of all the days it had to rain on moving day!  Well, needless to say if you know me or my dad you know that about 20 minutes in to it we were just laughing and saying "oh well!" let's just get through this as best we can.  And we did, we were soaked doing it but we laughed about it.  I think you just have to laugh at stuff like that.  My mom was sweet tonight, she said San Diego was crying because I was leaving.  Awww...how cute?!  And with that I say goodnight, stay dry and sweet dreams world!

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