Friday, December 12, 2008

This is it!

Today is my last day at channel 6! wow...

In times where jobs are few and far between I am quitting mine! So I was thinking about that yesterday. This is how I see it...

In the sales presentations that were going on this week the GSM said something that really stuck with me. He said that businesses that advertise during down times are usually the first ones to bounce back and do better on the up-swing. So I sort of see this as applying to me. Instead of sitting back and going with the flow and doing the same job that I have been doing for the last 7 years I am bettering myself, making myself more valuable in the job market. This process will take a year. Many see the economic turn around coming in 2010 which is right when I will be looking for a job. Hopefully, this means I have timed things right! I guess we'll see what happens!

We're going to McGregor's tonight!

Happy Trails

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